Dear visitor, welcome to the official website of SACRALION Publishing House.
Our company has been established in Israel in 2003 and incorporated in the USA in 2010, The major product of Sacralion Publishing House is religious literature and publications dedicated to the history of human society as well as origins and spread of the Christianity in the Middle East.
At the beginning of its business, SACRALION Publishing House set up an ambitious goal to illustrate – for the first time in the history of bookmaking – the Holy Scripture with old photographs of the Holy Land, where the Savior walked in his human life. Each picture should be linked in the best possible way to the corresponding biblical verse according to its content. It was the first attempt ever to create a “documentary” Bible by illustrating it with the photographs taken in the second half XIX-th – early XX-th centuries, when the Holy Land still maintained the features of past history unaltered by the XX-th century urbanization. For more information about our projects, please visit other pages of the present website. You are also welcome to visit our galleries.